
Showing posts from April, 2022

Good Plan to Achieve New Year Fitness Goals

As December comes to end, we cannot wait to start over and set new fitness goals with renewed enthusiasm. We promise ourselves to have a distance from fast foods to drop few pounds. We are very energetic as we set out to tackle new goals and follow through on old ones that have been fallen to the wayside. So, if we are all vigor and decked out, why do most of us drop the ball and fail to follow through? A recent study from University of Scranton, about 45% Americans make a New Year's resolution. The main goal is to lose weight. And it is not surprised to know that third quarter of people stick to their goals for first week and more than half drop off at the six months mark. Do not let your enthusiasm be the only thing that carries you to achieve your goals. You need a good plan to achieve New Year fitness goals. Set Achievable Goals One of the biggest mistakes we make is to run before you can walk. Progress is not defined by leaps and bounds, instead it is to start from small,